You don’t have to navigate your export journey alone, especially when government programmes can subsidise the expert advice you need. Find export grants applicable to Australian food & agribusinesses from across all levels of government to help your business grow and succeed!


AgriFood and Beverage Voucher Program WA

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, WA

Applicable States: WA
About the Program: The Agrifood and Beverage Voucher Program supports small businesses across regional and metropolitan WA to access expert advice to build resilience and sustainability, competitiveness, scale and export preparedness into their operations.

Close Date: 27 August 2024

Vouchers will be offered on a competitive application basis to support contracting professional consultancy services in one or more of the following five categories:

  1. Business planning;
  2. Manufacturing for business growth;
  3. Sales and marketing;
  4. Financial health;
  5. Environmental sustainability and social responsibility.

More information on these categories can be found in the Guidelines document.

Eligible businesses may apply for up to two vouchers this round with a maximum combined value up to $20,000 (depending on total sales turnover) and are required to match the voucher funding dollar-for-dollar. 


Global Trade Scheme

Northern Territory

Applicable States: NT
Amount: Grants of up to $50,000 to assist businesses grow existing markets or become export ready. Funding amounts vary depending on the funding stream being applied for.

Close Date: Applications for all 3 streams will remain open all year round or until grant funding is handed out.

The Global Trade Scheme helps eligible Northern Territory (NT) businesses set up or expand their exporting capabilities.

The grant program includes 3 streams of support for businesses that:

  • are at the beginning of their export journey
  • want to diversify into exports
  • want to expand into new global markets.

The program offers different levels of support depending on where the business currently is on its export journey. Each stream is based on a 50:50 co-contribution basis.

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Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) Round 4


Applicable States: National
Amount: Funding amounts vary depending on the tier being applied for.

Open Date: Applications expected to open late 2024 or early 2025

Grants are for eligible promotional activities undertaken by small to medium sized exporters and representative bodies. Small to medium enterprise (SME) exporters can apply for grants over 8 years in total (not necessarily consecutively). Representative bodies have no maximum grant years. Grants for businesses are available in 3 tiers with each providing a different level of support for SMEs as they grow their export markets. The tiers are:

  • Ready to export
  • Exporting and expanding
  • Exporting, expanding and strategic shift.

NSW Going Global Export Program

Investment NSW

Applicable States: NSW
About the Program: This Program supports eligible NSW businesses to reach new customers in new international markets.

Open Date: 2024
Close Date: Dependent on stream

Participants will have access to online workshops, business matching, coaching from a dedicated Export Adviser from Investment NSW, access to the NSW Trade and Investment Commissioner in-market, support from industry experts and training in marketing and e-commerce.

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New Market Program

Trade & Investment Queensland

Applicable States: QLD
About the Program:

Let Trade and Investment Queensland’s global network help you to take advantage of opportunities in new overseas markets under the New Market Program.

As part of the activation of the Queensland Trade and Investment Strategy 2022-2032, the New Market Program incorporates a key objective to diversify opportunities in new international markets.

Open Date: 25th March 2024
Close Date: Closed

The Program is not only relevant to Queensland goods but is also highly suited to the professional services sector.

Matched funding grants of up to $25,000 (excluding GST) are available to cover costs associated with exploring a new export market opportunity, including market research, promotional materials, in-market representatives, and trade show attendance.

Applicants will need to meet a range of criteria and be pre-qualified.

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Go Global Export Program

Trade & Investment Queensland

Applicable States: QLD
About the Program:

The Go Global Export Program provides Queensland’s export-ready small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with funding to finalise an export deal in a new market.

The program aims to boost export capability, equip businesses for ongoing export success and create jobs and prosperity for Queensland.

Open Date: 11th September 2023
Close Date: Closed

While there is significant support along a company’s export journey – in terms of market awareness, planning and preparation – funding of up to $25,000 (ex-GST) will be available to Queensland SMEs. This is to assist their export outcomes and support TIQ’s purpose of driving global business opportunities that create jobs and prosperity across Queensland.

One of TIQ’s core objectives is to assist Queensland businesses with an internationally competitive offering, by developing capability, providing market intelligence, accessing networks and making valuable connections.

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NSW Export Assistance Grant

NSW Government

Applicable States: NSW
Amount: Export Assistance Grant of up to $10,000

Open Date: 2022
Close Date: Closed

This grant helps eligible export businesses in NSW access global markets. Funds can be used for: marketing materials, e-commerce development, international trade show and trade missions, inbound business support and much more!

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Accelerating Trade Grant Program TAS

Department of State Growth, Tasmania

Applicable States: TAS

Amount: Funding of up to $10,000

About the Program: The program provides grants of up to a 50 per cent contribution towards specific off-island activities that support market growth and diversification opportunities for Tasmanian businesses. This includes activities such as promotional events or campaigns, market research and business matching services, and inbound buyer visits.

Close Date: Closed

The Accelerating Trade Grant Program provides Tasmanian businesses with funding to help them undertake activities which will lead to new trade opportunities.

Eligible activities may include:

  • market research and business-matching services
  • promotional activities and materials
  • in-bound buyer visits to Tasmania
  • travel to an off-island market
  • on-ground expenditure.

International Competitiveness Co-Investment Fund

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, WA

Applicable States: WA
Amount: Grants of between $20,000 and $100,000 are available

Open Date: Monday 13th December
Close Date: Closed

Provides WA’s agrifood businesses with the capability to access and develop international export markets. Activities include enhancing export capability, developing international business relationships, achieving strategic business growth and much more.

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Access Asia Business Grants 2022

WA Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation

Applicable States: WA
About the Program: This Program supports WA small and medium businesses, and organisations such as Asian business councils and industry associations, to advance their export and trade in Asian markets and contribute to WA’s economic diversification.

Open Date: Starting 2022
Close Date: Closed

2022 grants will assist recipients to engage in activities that enable them to: adopt new business models to expand market share, scope new supply or value chains, develop export plans that manage COVID-19 implications, access new Asian markets or sectors and much more!

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Go Global Export Program

Trade & Investment Queensland

Applicable States: QLD
Amount: Matched funding up to $25,000 (excluding GST)

Open Date: Closed
Close Date: Closed

Provides Queensland’s export-ready small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with funding to finalise an export deal in a new market. Activities include developing export capability, providing market intelligence, accessing networks, making valuable connections and much more

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Export Market Development Grants (EMDG)


Applicable States: National
Amount: 50% of promotional expenses to a maximum of $150,000

Open Date: Starting 1 July 2021 
Close Date: Closed

Overseas representation expenses, marketing consultant expenses, free samples expenses, trade fairs, seminars, in-store promotions expenses, promotional literature and advertising expenses, overseas buyers expenses, registration and / or insurance of eligible intellectual property expenses

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Traceability Grants Program – Round 2

Australian Government

Applicable States: National
Amount: The Australian Government has a total of $1 million allocated to the programme – Round 2.

Open Date: Closed
Close Date: Closed 

Investigation of options to demonstrate the provenance of Australian agricultural commodities.
– Development of requirements around traceability data collected along supply chains.
– Detailing commodity supply chains.
– Investigation of technologies that enable real time or passive tracing of various commodities through the supply chain.
– Investigation of innovative solutions to collect and store data that can be used to trace and/or track commodities through supply chains.

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Package Assisting Small Exporters

Australian Government

Applicable States: National
Amount: For this grant opportunity, a total of $5 million (GST exclusive) grant funding is available over three years.

Open Date: Closed
Close Date: Closed

Eligible projects may include, but are not limited to: the development of systems to meet the standards required by regulators and customers, market intelligence to allow small exporters to target or tailor their products, the implementation of systems to perform procedural and administrative functions essential to exporting products, the development of innovative solutions to address technical barriers to market access

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Wine Export Grants

Wine Australia

Applicable States: National
Amount: Up to $25,000

Open Date: Currently open
Close Date: 2 May 2022 or until funding is exhausted (whichever occurs first)

Wine producers may be eligible for up to $25,000 towards reimbursement for the cost of promotional activities in any export market, including:

  • free samples including freight or transport
  • marketing campaigns including social, advertising and virtual promotions
  • market research and development activities (as per amended guidelines dated 31 March 2021)
  • retail promotions – online and in-store
  • in-market representation at international events and fairs e.g. contracted labour 
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NSW Government Export Assistance Grant

NSW Government

Applicable States: New South Wales
Amount: Up to $10,000

Open Date: Open
Close Date: Ongoing

Export marketing and development activities, such as market research, participation in international tradeshows and trade missions, inbound business support, e-commerce development and marketing materials.

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Go Global Export Program QLD

Trade & Investment Queensland (TIQ)

Applicable States: Queensland
Amount: Matched funding of up to $30,000

Open Date: Closed

Export business advisory services and tools, costs of product testing and redesign, packaging and labelling required to meet export market requirements, support to gain export accreditation and Free Trade Agreement documents, cost of a trial export program, costs associated with product approvals, professional advice (accounting, legal, financial)

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Exporter Market Engagement Program

Trade & Investment Queensland (TIQ)

Applicable States: Queensland
Amount:  $7,000 contributory fund to undertake export development activity

Open Date: Closed
Close Date:  Closed

The program will provide access to market knowledge, international networks and government resources to tailor your product or service development and potentially increase your export sales.


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Export Assistance Scheme

City of Gold Coast

Applicable States: Gold Coast
Amount: Up to $3,000

Open Date: Open

Funding will be approved under the following categories:

  • Category A, for travel to North East Asia, South East Asia, South Asia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands, will be funded $1500
  • Category B, for travel to Europe, Middle East, Africa and the Americas, will be funded $3000.

Global Gateway Program

Global Victoria

Applicable States: Victoria
Amount: Up to $50,000

Open Date: Closed
Close Date: Closed

Business can use the the grant to identify and engage professional service providers to deliver project activities to support their export recovery. These activities may include marketing and promotion, market access and marketing intelligence. Businesses must make a minimum co-contribution of 20 per cent of the project.

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Food to Market Grant Program

Agriculture Victoria

Applicable States: Victoria
Amount: $50,000 – $1,000,000

Open Date: Closed
Close Date: Closed

Projects that may be considered for funding to grow export markets including access to new markets for existing or new products

Grant funding may be used for:
– Investment in plant and equipment
– Research and development for pilot projects or new product development
– Market promotion
– Business and marketing plans or feasibility study development
– Website development and network costs.


Accelerating Trade Grant Program

Tasmanian Government

Applicable States: Tasmania
Amount: Up to $10,000

Open Date: Open

Funding is available to Tasmanian businesses on a co-contribution basis to support market research and business-matching services, promotional activities and materials, attendance at domestic and international trade shows and events. It will also be available to assist with in-bound buyer visits to Tasmania, study tours, travel to undertake marketing activities, supply chain efficiency improvements and cluster development.

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SA Export Accelerator Program - Export Accelerator

South Australia Export Accelerator 

Applicable States: South Australia
Amount: Matched funding of up to $30,000

Open Date: Open


Marketing materials, market research, e-commerce development, export training and consulting, participation in international tradeshows and trade missions, in-bound business support, and travel and accomodation costs

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SA Export Accelerator Program - New Market Entry

South Australia Export Accelerator

Applicable States: South Australia
Amount: Provides funds up to $15,000

Open Date: Open

Marketing materials, market research, e-commerce development, export training and consulting, participation in international tradeshows and trade missions, in-bound business support, and travel and accomodation costs

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SA Export Accelerator Program - Consortium (New funding stream)

South Australia Export Accelerator 

Applicable States: South Australia
Amount: Provides funds up to $200,000 (consortiums of at least three SMEs)

Open Date: Open

Joint activities include, but are not limited to, joint retail/distribution channel campaigns, eCommerce marketing, branding and freight optimisation and consolidation.

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Global Expansion Program

Government of South Australia

Applicable States: South Australia
Amount: Provides funds up to $15,000

Open Date: Closed

The program aims to support recently growing South Australian businesses to build their export capability and capacity and become the state’s next global leaders. Bespoke services and support will be delivered by a network of firms as part of the Program funding.  The services will be matched to the specific needs of individual participating companies identified by free business reviews to be undertaken as part of the Program.

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AgriFood and Beverage Voucher Program WA

Government of Western Australia (Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development)

Applicable States: Western Australia
Amount: Vouchers of up to $10,000.

Open Date: Closed
Close Date: Closed

There are two streams of vouchers available:
Stream 1: provides vouchers to businesses to support contracting of professional consultancy services in one or more of the following categories:
– business planning
– quality assurance
– market positioning
– technology and digital advisory
– export capability development
– technical expertise
Stream 2: provides vouchers up to $2000 to businesses for reimbursement for national or international travel to investigate ag-tech or food-tech manufacturing technologies that can demonstrate improved productivity and profitability


Trade Support Scheme NT

Northern Territory Government 

Applicable States: Northern Territory
Amount: Up to $10,000

Open Date: Closed
Close Date: Closed

The scheme can fund up to 50% of the costs of international marketing activities, including: airfares, marketing and promotion, accommodation, attending trade exhibitions and conferences, on-ground expenses, export marketing related training, freight costs, website development for international audiences