3 Ways to Make the Most of the Global Halal Market

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The global halal market is thriving, and looks set to grow into the foreseeable future. Australian brands hoping to extend their reach would do well to consider how to make the most of this opportunity. Here, we share insights from our Halal Market Overview seminar, which covered topics from cultural to regulatory nuances, and painted a picture of the strengths, challenges and opportunities in the global Halal market today.



  1. Know your customers: Ahmad Fettayleh, CEO – Fettayleh Wholesale Meats

“All the business we’ve picked up, from a supermarket perspective, comes from our customer base of consumers who are 45 and below. Not above. That’s who we invest in. Domestically and internationally.

When Coles and Woolies, 25 years ago, brought out pre-packed meat in the meat servery, no one really bought it. It tok them a while to change that trend. The same is happening in our business. So we’re investing more in the youth and seeing what they like and what are their trends, and how they pick up the flavors that they need and how mutual it needs to be.”

  1. Broaden your appeal: Anni Brownjohn, Managing Director – Ozganics Australia

“For anyone in the processing space, you want to always have products that everyone can eat. I’m actually a vegetarian, organic vegan in food manufacturing, and I’m still halal.

“We are absolutely focused on the Indonesian market – it’s close. We also export into the Middle East market but the big one for us has always been Malaysia; it must be halal to enter that market – and vegetarian.

“Our culture as a language, is the same language as everyone around the world: the language of food. Everybody wants to eat good, clean, healthy food.”  

  1. Use the Australian brand effectively: Mohamed Hage, Chairman, State of NSW – Australia Arab Chamber of Commerce & Industry

“I travel to the [Middle East] region quite often and the quality, the excellence, the degree of credibility we have for our Australian-made brand is one of the best in the region.

“We do underestimate as an industry, or as a country, the relationships that we’ve had with exporting goods and services into the Middle East and Africa; particularly  with logistics. That’s been going on for decades, before the China boom and things like that. We’ve got some booming relationships there.”

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